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 Aristolochia rotunda tubers

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Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2013

Aristolochia rotunda tubers Empty
MessageSujet: Aristolochia rotunda tubers   Aristolochia rotunda tubers EmptySam 10 Sep 2016 - 14:47

I have available tubers of Aristolochia rotunda, there are many tubers available and the price depends by size.
There are 5 sectors and each of it have a number, the number is the price of each tuber in the sector.

There are money of 1 euro in the way to show the size of the tuber, all tuber are in good condition and are ready to be shipped.

If interested send an email to: fabio.tondini@outlook.it with the quantity of tubers and I will send to you the total cost with shipping cost.

Payment in advance with Paypal (+5% fees) or bank transfer

Shipping cost: It depends by the amount of tuber that you want and the size

This is a specie of Aristolochia that is perennial, it is perfect for many specie of Papilionidae that eats Aristolochia like Zerynthia, Archon and many others.

General photo:

Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7410

Tubers 1 euro each (2 years old):
Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7414

Tubers 2 euro each (2+ years old):
Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7415

Tubers 3 euro each (3 years old):
Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7413

Tubers 4 euro each (3 years old):
Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7412

Tubers 5 euro each (3+ years old):
Aristolochia rotunda tubers Img_7411
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